Tasmanian Family History Society Hobart header

Publications - Guidelines for Society or Branches

Updated May 2024

These guidelines have been prepared as a basic guide. Interpretations of correct procedures vary greatly between organizations and agencies and are continuing to change. These guidelines rely heavily on the Style Manual, published by the Australian Government. They have been adapted to meet the perceived needs of the Tasmanian Family History Society Inc. and to accommodate some existing conventions.

1. General

2. Front Pages /Covers

Tasmanian Family History Society Inc.
Launceston Branch
June 2023

3. Title Page

4. Reverse of Title Page or Imprint Page

5. Fonts

6. Italics

7. Full Stops



 As less punctuation is desirable in databases or indexes, the above rules need not apply but consistency is essential.

8. Apostrophes

9. Acronyms




13. Square Brackets

14. Abbreviations

15. Footnotes and Endnotes

See also Citations and Bibliographies

©TFHS Inc. All rights reserved
Site last updated May 2024