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Tasmanian Ancestry

The Society's journal, Tasmanian Ancestry, is published quarterly and is sent to all members.  Non-members can subscribe to the journal.  Both members and non-members can also purchase individual copies, subject to availability. 

Tasmanian Ancestry Annual Subscription

Journal subscriptions are due due by 1 April, (4 journals annually), the first being June.

Tasmanian Ancestry Individual editions

There are four issues per volume - June, September, December, March but only limited quantities of some early issues are available.

Prices are in Australian dollars, including postage.  To purchase, contact the Sales Officer either by email or at:

The Sales Officer TFHS Inc.
PO Box 326
Rosny Park 
Tasmania  7018

Publication schedule:

Issue            Deadline for copy
June             1 April
September  1 July
December   1 October
March           1 January

Submitting articles:

Articles are welcomed in any format, preferably by email . If sending by post, please use the address:

The Editor,
Tasmanian Ancestry,
PO Box 326
Rosny Park 
Tasmania  7018


Advertising in Tasmanian Ancestry is accepted with pre-payment of:

Rates also exist for full and half page advertisements.  Further information can be obtained by writing to the editor at the above address  Or you can contact the journal editor by email, These rates are subject to change.

Past Journals:

Some of the earlier journals are now available from this website, here.

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Site last updated May 2024