Tasmanian Family History Society Hobart header

My Philosophy

By Helen Anderson

TFHS Inc. Member No. 66

Family history has been my passion for the past 40 years.

Frances Sturzaker

Well, probably longer as I have always had an interest in old cemeteries even before I knew what genealogy was. Family historians are unbelievably luck today as the number of finding aides increase by the minute. There was no Pioneer Index and no microfilm available when I first began and this meant that every advance was hard won and extremely satisfying.

Because many of my families were very early (but not First Fleeters) and finding them in the UK was almost impossible, I started collecting everyone and even today I am happy to add someone to my charts. However I don't believe a list of names is very exciting without also recording some aspect of their life as well, so I tend to read newspapers a lot.

Even after 40+ years I have families that have not progressed very far at all and this year, with access to the UK censuses, I think I have found my Manson family at long last. It is all circumstantial at present but with names like Nedby and Franklin in both lines looks very promising.

The photograph is of my great great grandmother Frances Sturzaker (nee McDonald).

Related family names:

Leith Gillam Howman Newbury Cooper Robson Sturzaker Fogg Wakley Manson Furner McDonald Marsden Farma

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