While other methods remain available, we are asking members to renew online wherever possible this year through the Westpac PayWay system which offers a faster, easier and more secure payment method for most members and also helps us by a big reduction in processing time and costs.
You have two online options:
1. Through the members-only website. This pre-fills most of the information you need so it is quicker and easier and less chance of an error. It also shows you the registration information we hold about you, so that you can review and update it if necessary.
If you haven't already done so, the first step is to register so that you can login to our new members-only website. Having done that you simply login and select Membership/Renew now from the menu. Your existing membership details will be displayed for you to review and then you proceed to the secure payment page. You will receive an email receipt from the PayWay system.
Login to the members-only website (if you have already registered)
Register for the first time with the members-only website
When registering, you will need to choose a username of your choice, a password and enter the email address which is recorded with the Society. Once completed, you will receive an email with a link to click. After that you will then be able to login. Should you ever lose or forget your password you will be able to reset it yourself using a similar process.
2. You can also pay on line without logging into the members site. Its the same system; you just need to provide more details. Pay here
3. Other Methods
These are explained on the renewal form accompanying the journal. Local branches are always happy to accept debit/credit cards, cash, cheques etc.